own music

Find my music on all major platforms and stay tuned for new compositions coming soon. Sheet music also available! Explore and enjoy!

“Sol de Primavera”

Piano & Cello

I’m very happy to announce that my new composition is out NOW and you can listen to it in all streaming platforms.

A composition that I named “Sol de Primavera” which means in Spanish “Spring Sun” – waking up from a long winter, feeling a new bright, shining and joyful beginning.

I’m also very grateful to have a cello in this composition – which is one of my favourite instruments. 

Just listen to it and relax 🙂

Hope you enjoy it, let me know!

listen and enjoy more

On my YouTube channel you’ll find different videos of playing my favourite music that inspired me on my musical journey – from own arrangements and covers to own music, improvised meditation playing and creations with other artists.